We finds themselves in a time where smoking indoors has been banned for nearly 2 decades, yet society as a whole continues to turn a blind eye to the indoor air pollutants that remain . . . as is all too easy to do when the villain is invisible. It took entirely too long to figure out what was causing me to feel increasingly worse in my former workplace. This site is to stay focused on the goal. Fragrance Free Spaces! Products that are applied to clothing, skin, hair and the contemptuous class of products, air "fresheners" . . . it's all become too much for many of our systems to process these pollutants out. When these chemicals comingle in the air, they produce additional chemical compounds toxic to all. For all the education we seek out, the fight is hard as manufacturers thrive by the rule of "hidden ingredients". There is always ONE that will indicate a problem lurks inside that container: one word. Always the villain: FRAGRANCE (parfum). Now tell me, why would an "unscented" product have "fragrance" in the ingredients? Spoiler: because "unscented" is a fragrance used to mask the smell of the other stuff in the product that makes it do what it does, and those things may not be harmful to you but might not smell good enough to use if they didn't mask it. If looking to be scent free, the term to look for on labels is "fragrance free". Take the magnifying glass, or better yet, use one of the apps or websites that have done the work for us. We can all say thank you to California for enacting legislation that allows us to actually see a list of these ingredients. Sincere thanks for every product you change out. Every product choice you make creates a safer or more toxic space. Choose wisely.
The Proposition 65 List - OEHHA - CA.gov
The list contains a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals that are known to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Is your wellbeing and quality of life significantly deteriorate as a result of poor air quality and/or fragrance sensitivity / chemical intolerance? You aren't alone. Join us on Facebook (link in footer), or subscribe to receive email updates on new blog posts. Taking this journey as ONE!